Aug 25, 2020
The Trotters continue exploring the secret lab, learning just how far megacorp experiments cross the line.
Digo Dragon as the GM
GreatDinn as Icebreaker the earth pony Operative
TheStratovarian as Lethe the changeling Mystic
AvisEcho as Nebula Flare the kirin Solarian
DreadPriest as Nivix the unicorn...
Aug 11, 2020
Our Trotters visit a ranch to go digging for answers... and don't like what they find buried underneath.
Digo Dragon as the GM
GreatDinn as Icebreaker the earth pony Operative
TheStratovarian as Lethe the changeling Mystic
AvisEcho as Nebula Flare the kirin Solarian
DreadPriest as Nivix the unicorn...
Aug 4, 2020
The party at last finds their lost former companion... and the reunion is both a pleasant and distressing surprise.
GreatDinn as the GM
Newbiespud as Usk the bugbear Rogue
AvisEcho as Yuliy the tiefling Paladin
DigoDragon as Victor the human Druid
Space Jawa as Jhank the lizardfolk Ranger/Barbarian
and Azure...