Mar 31, 2020
In this Spudless Spudventure, a side-story to The Forgotten Ones, a group of reckless mercenaries in Baldur's Gate get their next assignment.
GreatDinn as the GM
Azure Mountain as Fynn the human Fighter
Avis as Mana Carabdis the human Warlock
Digo as Zuri the kobold Thief
and Space Jawa as Yoga Stonesoul the...
Mar 17, 2020
Everyone has their own way of interrogating the past, and some cryptic answers finally emerge. One thing's certain, though: We were not nice people.
GreatDinn as the GM
Newbiespud as Usk the bugbear Rogue
AvisEcho as Yuliy the tiefling Paladin
DigoDragon as Victor the human Druid
Space Jawa as Jhank the...