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Jul 28, 2020

Our Trotters' first mission in the shadows is to rescue a little filly from her abusive father.

Digo Dragon as the GM
GreatDinn as Icebreaker the earth pony Operative
TheStratovarian as Lethe the changeling Mystic
AvisEcho as Nebula Flare the kirin Solarian
DreadPriest as Nivix the unicorn Biohacker
Winged Cat...

Jul 21, 2020

The fog over the party's past is finally beginning to clear, but their sources of information start to come under question.

GreatDinn as the GM
Newbiespud as Usk the bugbear Rogue
AvisEcho as Yuliy the tiefling Paladin
DigoDragon as Victor the human Druid
Space Jawa as Jhank the lizardfolk Ranger/Barbarian

Jul 14, 2020

In order to acquire the means to take down the terrible beast at hand, strength must be proven and bargains must be struck.

GreatDinn as the GM
Newbiespud as Teoz the leonin Fighter/Artificer
VerminQuest as Kalyssdra the triton Paladin
DreadPriest as Clopin the satyr Sorcerer/Warlock
Azure Mountain as Leo the...

Jul 7, 2020

In the aftermath of being rescued by the Xanathar Guild, there are a few requests for the party.

GreatDinn as the GM
Newbiespud as Usk the bugbear Rogue
AvisEcho as Yuliy the tiefling Paladin
DigoDragon as Victor the human Druid
Space Jawa as Jhank the lizardfolk Ranger/Barbarian
and Azure Mountain as Lander...