Nov 24, 2020
The party goes back down to Skullport. In the process, they finally get a solid lead on their shares of Lord Neverember's hoard, and Hollyhock learns the truth.
GreatDinn as the GM
Newbiespud as Usk the bugbear Rogue
AvisEcho as Yuliy the tiefling Paladin
DigoDragon as Victor the human Druid
Space Jawa as...
Nov 17, 2020
The Trotters are detained for questioning. Icebreaker's lawyer shows up to defend them. Stellar shows up to berate Smirkfluff. And Detective Gray finds a use for this team...
Digo Dragon as the GM
GreatDinn as Icebreaker the earth pony Operative
TheStratovarian as Lethe the changeling Mystic
AvisEcho as Nebula...
Nov 10, 2020
The party gets into a spot of trouble with the Open Lord of Waterdeep, but it eventually leads to a few more answers, including a revelation about the nature of their curse.
GreatDinn as the GM
Newbiespud as Usk the bugbear Rogue
AvisEcho as Yuliy the tiefling Paladin
DigoDragon as Victor the human Druid
Nov 3, 2020
The Trotter team wins a contest to meet the local sports team at the fancy estate of the team owner. It starts off swell, but quickly deflates when they encounter the mysterious masked kirin and learn of her motivations.
Digo Dragon as the GM
GreatDinn as Icebreaker the earth pony Operative
TheStratovarian as...